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BUSES/EQUIPMENT TRAILERS/STAFF VEHICLES: Buses, equipment trailers/trucks, and staff vehicles will enter from the east campus entrance (using Commerce Drive) on the south side of the campus. Buses, equipment trailers/trucks, and staff vehicles should NOT use the Branigin Road entrance. Please limit staff vehicles to one (1) vehicle which will park in the lot directly south of door 1.


Band parking will be directly north and southeast of the high school. Additional parking will be on the south side of the high school. Volunteers will be available to assist you in the parking areas.


SPECTATORS: All spectators will need to park in the spectator parking. Spectators should enter from the west campus entrance (using Commerce Drive) on the south side of the campus. Spectators should NOT use the Branigin Road entrance. Please communicate this information on to your parents.


Spectator parking will be directly south of the stadium. There is no charge for parking.

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