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Directions to the warm-up areas are indicated on the outdoor routing map. While transitioning please have your band stay to the right. We ask that you following the indicated routing to each area as indicated.


The physical warm-up location is just west of the music warm-up area. Warm-up area A will be the west side of the parking lot. Warm-up area B will be the east side of the parking lot. Due to the proximity of the stadium and the warm-up areas, the volume of any time keeping during the physical warm-up must be monitored. The use of non-amplified pulse will be allowed provided that it does not affect music warm-up or performance. Thank you for your attention and consideration to the other competing groups with this matter.


Music warm-up is located east of the building on the asphalt, marching band practice field. During your warm-up please have your group face away from the stadium. Warm-up area A will be on the north side of the practice field. Warm-up area B will be on the south side of the practice field.

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